Schmackhafte Kunst

Şakir Gökçebağ  ist ein türkischer Künstler, Jahrgang 1965. Wer Andy Goldsworthy kennt, wird hier eine Idee wiederfinden – mir gefällts.

seine Installtionen gefallen mir auch:

Kunst Aufräumen

Nach den beiden Bestsellern Kunst aufräumen und Noch mehr Kunst aufräumen weitet Ursus Wehrli seine geniale Idee aus und bringt nun endlich die ganze Welt in Ordnung: Vom Weihnachtsbaum übers U-Bahn-Netz bis zur Fussballmannschaft, der Badewiese und dem Parkplatz, nichts ist vor seiner ordnenden Hand sicher.
In Die Kunst, aufzuräumen wird ohne Pardon reiner Tisch gemacht. Danach ist nichts mehr, wie es mal war.



Artist Felice Varini is a master of anamorphic installations. He paints directly on indoor and outdoor spaces such as rooms, stairways, buildings, and more. His work requires that you view it at a specific angle, so that you can see geometric shapes.

Notes about the artist: [1]

Felice Varini was born in 1952 in Locarno, Switzerland. and currently lives in Paris.

[…] The paintings are characterized by a single vantage point from which the viewer can see the complete painting (usually a simple geometric shape such as circle, square, line), while various ‘broken’ fragmented shapes are seen from various other view points. Varini contends that the work exists as a whole — the complete shape as well as the fragments. “My concern,” he says “is what happens outside the vantage point of view.”

1. "Felice Varini." Retrieved on February 10th, 2012.
Photos © Felice Varini
Link via Myedol


Wonderfully Creepy Sculptures Carved From Bananas

Apr 13, 2011
I love bananas and I also love art, but Japanese artist Suu, managed to combine those two things by making great banana carvings.Can you sculpt something creepy on a fruit or vegetable of your choice?

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