Schattenkunst von Kumy Yamashita
City View
Kumy Yamashita has a secret power. She can place wood or metal objects in just the right light to make mysterious shadow people show their true selves. The genius of it all lies in the fact that without the lighting and shadows the objects would never give away her secret. These surprising silhouettes only come out when beckoned to do so.
Above: The numbers scattered on the wall, lit from the right, cast a silhouette of a woman.
The thin metal object on the wall casts the silhouette of a girl when lit from above.
Created by aluminum sheet, light, and cast shadow, the two silhouettes are connected together when lit.
Created by light, wood and shadow, the wooden object on the wall, lit from below, casts a silhouette of a figure.
Profile (my first favourite)
The number and the alphabet blocks, lit from the left, cast a silhouette of a man’s profile.